
Definition of the public interface for the server.

Both requests (message sent from a client to the server) and events (published from the server to one or more clients) can be serialized and deserialized to and from JSON. However, we apply much tighter validation rules on the context associated with requests, since the input is untrusted. We assume that the unit tests and the Python type validations imposed by MyPy give us everything we need for events that are only built internally.

The file docs/design.rst includes a detailed discussion of each request and event.

Module Contents

class apologiesserver.interface.Visibility

Bases: enum.Enum

Visibility for advertised games.

PUBLIC = Public
PRIVATE = Private
class apologiesserver.interface.CancelledReason

Bases: enum.Enum

Reasons a game can be cancelled.

CANCELLED = Game was cancelled by advertiser
NOT_VIABLE = Game is no longer viable.
INACTIVE = The game was idle too long and was marked inactive
SHUTDOWN = Game was cancelled due to system shutdown
class apologiesserver.interface.PlayerType

Bases: enum.Enum

Types of players.

HUMAN = Human
PROGRAMMATIC = Programmatic
class apologiesserver.interface.PlayerState

Bases: enum.Enum

A player’s game state.

WAITING = Waiting
JOINED = Joined
PLAYING = Playing
FINISHED = Finished
QUIT = Quit
DISCONNECTED = Disconnected
class apologiesserver.interface.ConnectionState

Bases: enum.Enum

A player’s connection state.

CONNECTED = Connected
DISCONNECTED = Disconnected
class apologiesserver.interface.ActivityState

Bases: enum.Enum

A player’s activity state.

ACTIVE = Active
IDLE = Idle
INACTIVE = Inactive
class apologiesserver.interface.GameState

Bases: enum.Enum

A game’s state.

ADVERTISED = Advertised
PLAYING = Playing
COMPLETED = Completed
CANCELLED = Cancelled
class apologiesserver.interface.FailureReason

Bases: enum.Enum

Failure reasons advertised to clients.

INVALID_REQUEST = Invalid request
DUPLICATE_USER = Handle is already in use
INVALID_AUTH = Missing or invalid authorization header
WEBSOCKET_LIMIT = Connection limit reached; try again later
USER_LIMIT = System user limit reached; try again later
GAME_LIMIT = System game limit reached; try again later
INVALID_PLAYER = Unknown or invalid player
INVALID_GAME = Unknown or invalid game
NOT_PLAYING = Player is not playing a game
NOT_ADVERTISER = Player did not advertise this game
ALREADY_PLAYING = Player is already playing a game
NO_MOVE_PENDING = No move is pending for this player
ILLEGAL_MOVE = The chosen move is not legal
ADVERTISER_MAY_NOT_QUIT = Advertiser may not quit a game (cancel instead)
INTERNAL_ERROR = Internal error
class apologiesserver.interface.MessageType

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumeration of all message types, including received events and published requests.

REGISTER_PLAYER = Register Player
REREGISTER_PLAYER = Reregister Player
UNREGISTER_PLAYER = Unregister Player
LIST_PLAYERS = List Players
ADVERTISE_GAME = Advertise Game
JOIN_GAME = Join Game
QUIT_GAME = Quit Game
START_GAME = Start Game
CANCEL_GAME = Cancel Game
EXECUTE_MOVE = Execute Move
OPTIMAL_MOVE = Optimal Move
RETRIEVE_GAME_STATE = Retrieve Game State
SEND_MESSAGE = Send Message
SERVER_SHUTDOWN = Server Shutdown
REQUEST_FAILED = Request Failed
REGISTERED_PLAYERS = Registered Players
AVAILABLE_GAMES = Available Games
PLAYER_REGISTERED = Player Registered
PLAYER_UNREGISTERED = Player Unregistered
WEBSOCKET_IDLE = Connection Idle
WEBSOCKET_INACTIVE = Connection Inactive
PLAYER_IDLE = Player Idle
PLAYER_INACTIVE = Player Inactive
PLAYER_MESSAGE_RECEIVED = Player Message Received
GAME_ADVERTISED = Game Advertise
GAME_INVITATION = Game Invitation
GAME_JOINED = Game Joined
GAME_STARTED = Game Started
GAME_CANCELLED = Game Cancelled
GAME_COMPLETED = Game Completed
GAME_IDLE = Game Idle
GAME_INACTIVE = Game Inactive
GAME_PLAYER_QUIT = Game Player Quit
GAME_PLAYER_CHANGE = Game Player Change
GAME_STATE_CHANGE = Game State Change
GAME_PLAYER_TURN = Game Player Turn
exception apologiesserver.interface.ProcessingError

Bases: RuntimeError

Exception thrown when there is a general processing error.

reason :FailureReason
comment :Optional[str]
handle :Optional[str]
__repr__() str

Return repr(self).

__str__() str

Return str(self).

class apologiesserver.interface.GamePlayer

The public definition of a player within a game.

handle :str
player_color :Optional[apologies.PlayerColor]
player_type :PlayerType
player_state :PlayerState
class apologiesserver.interface.RegisteredPlayer

The public definition of a player registered with the system.

handle :str
registration_date :pendulum.datetime.DateTime
last_active_date :pendulum.datetime.DateTime
connection_state :ConnectionState
activity_state :ActivityState
player_state :PlayerState
game_id :Optional[str]
class apologiesserver.interface.AdvertisedGame

A game that has been advertised in the system.

game_id :str
name :str
mode :apologies.GameMode
advertiser_handle :str
players :int
available :int
visibility :Visibility
invited_handles :List[str]
class apologiesserver.interface.GameStatePawn

State of a pawn in a game.

color :apologies.PlayerColor
id :str
start :bool
home :bool
safe :Optional[int]
square :Optional[int]
static for_pawn(pawn: apologies.Pawn) GameStatePawn

Create a GameStatePawn based on apologies.game.Pawn.

static for_position(pawn: apologies.Pawn, position: apologies.Position) GameStatePawn

Create a GameStatePawn based on apologies.game.Pawn and apologies.gamePosition.

class apologiesserver.interface.GameStatePlayer

Player in a game, when describing the state of the board.

color :apologies.PlayerColor
turns :int
hand :List[apologies.CardType]
pawns :List[GameStatePawn]
static for_player(player: apologies.Player) GameStatePlayer

Create a GameStatePlayer based on apologies.game.Player.

class apologiesserver.interface.GameStateHistory

History for a game.

action :str
color :Optional[apologies.PlayerColor]
card :Optional[apologies.CardType]
timestamp :pendulum.datetime.DateTime
static for_history(history: apologies.History) GameStateHistory
class apologiesserver.interface.GameAction

An action applied to a pawn in a game.

start :GameStatePawn
end :GameStatePawn
static for_action(action: apologies.Action) GameAction

Create a GamePlayerAction based on apologies.rules.Action.

class apologiesserver.interface.GameMove

A move that may be executed as a result of a player’s turn.

move_id :str
card :apologies.CardType
actions :List[GameAction]
side_effects :List[GameAction]
static for_move(move: apologies.Move) GameMove

Create a GameMove based on apologies.rules.Move.

class apologiesserver.interface.RegisterPlayerContext

Bases: Context

Context for a REGISTER_PLAYER request.

handle :str
class apologiesserver.interface.ReregisterPlayerContext

Bases: Context

Context for a REREGISTER_PLAYER request.

handle :str
class apologiesserver.interface.AdvertiseGameContext

Bases: Context

Context for an ADVERTISE_GAME request.

name :str
mode :apologies.GameMode
players :int
visibility :Visibility
invited_handles :List[str]
class apologiesserver.interface.JoinGameContext

Bases: Context

Context for a JOIN_GAME request.

game_id :str
class apologiesserver.interface.ExecuteMoveContext

Bases: Context

Context for an EXECUTE_MOVE request.

move_id :str
class apologiesserver.interface.SendMessageContext

Bases: Context

Context for an SEND_MESSAGE request.

message :str
recipient_handles :List[str]
class apologiesserver.interface.RequestFailedContext

Bases: Context

Context for a REQUEST_FAILED event.

reason :FailureReason
comment :Optional[str]
handle :Optional[str]
class apologiesserver.interface.RegisteredPlayersContext

Bases: Context

Context for a REGISTERED_PLAYERS event.

players :List[RegisteredPlayer]
class apologiesserver.interface.AvailableGamesContext

Bases: Context

Context for an AVAILABLE_GAMES event.

games :List[AdvertisedGame]
class apologiesserver.interface.PlayerRegisteredContext

Bases: Context

Context for a PLAYER_REGISTERED event.

handle :str
class apologiesserver.interface.PlayerUnregisteredContext

Bases: Context

Context for a PLAYER_UNREGISTERED event.

handle :str
class apologiesserver.interface.PlayerIdleContext

Bases: Context

Context for a PLAYER_IDLE event.

handle :str
class apologiesserver.interface.PlayerInactiveContext

Bases: Context

Context for a PLAYER_INACTIVE event.

handle :str
class apologiesserver.interface.PlayerMessageReceivedContext

Bases: Context

Context for a PLAYER_MESSAGE_RECEIVED event.

sender_handle :str
recipient_handles :List[str]
message :str
class apologiesserver.interface.GameAdvertisedContext

Bases: Context

Context for a GAME_ADVERTISED event.

game :AdvertisedGame
class apologiesserver.interface.GameInvitationContext

Bases: Context

Context for a GAME_INVITATION event.

game :AdvertisedGame
class apologiesserver.interface.GameJoinedContext

Bases: Context

Context for a GAME_JOINED event.

player_handle :str
game_id :str
name :str
mode :apologies.GameMode
advertiser_handle :str
class apologiesserver.interface.GameStartedContext

Bases: Context

Context for a GAME_STARTED event.

game_id :str
class apologiesserver.interface.GameCancelledContext

Bases: Context

Context for a GAME_CANCELLED event.

game_id :str
reason :CancelledReason
comment :Optional[str]
class apologiesserver.interface.GameCompletedContext

Bases: Context

Context for a GAME_COMPLETED event.

game_id :str
winner :str
comment :str
class apologiesserver.interface.GameIdleContext

Bases: Context

Context for a GAME_IDLE event.

game_id :str
class apologiesserver.interface.GameInactiveContext

Bases: Context

Context for a GAME_INACTIVE event.

game_id :str
class apologiesserver.interface.GamePlayerQuitContext

Bases: Context

Context for a GAME_PLAYER_LEFT event.

handle :str
game_id :str
class apologiesserver.interface.GamePlayerChangeContext

Bases: Context

Context for a GAME_PLAYER_CHANGE event.

game_id :str
comment :Optional[str]
players :List[GamePlayer]
class apologiesserver.interface.GameStateChangeContext

Bases: Context

Context for a GAME_STATE_CHANGE event.

game_id :str
recent_history :List[GameStateHistory]
player :GameStatePlayer
opponents :List[GameStatePlayer]
static for_context(game_id: str, view: apologies.PlayerView, history: List[apologies.History]) GameStateChangeContext

Create a GameStateChangeContext based on apologies.game.PlayerView.

class apologiesserver.interface.GamePlayerTurnContext

Bases: Context

Context for a GAME_PLAYER_TURN event.

handle :str
game_id :str
drawn_card :Optional[apologies.CardType]
moves :Dict[str, GameMove]
static for_moves(handle: str, game_id: str, moves: List[apologies.Move]) GamePlayerTurnContext

Create a GamePlayerTurnContext based on a sequence of apologies.rules.Move.

class apologiesserver.interface.Message

A message that is part of the public interface, either a client request or a published event.

message :MessageType
player_id :Optional[str]
context :Any
to_json() str

Convert the request to JSON.

static for_json(data: str) Message

Create a request based on JSON data.